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ESIC & PF Consultants

Employees’ State Insurance Act

  • Registration of Establishment under the ESI Act 1948.
  • Preparation of ESI contribution and uploading it online and generate challan every month.
  • Coordinate accident matters, other legal matters and represent the clients to ESI authorities.
  • Make correspondence and liaison with ESI Regional office and Local Office.
  • Ensure timely compliance and smooth working of the clients with ownership concept.

Employees’ Provident Fund & MP Act

  • Explain the objective of the Employees Provident Fund and Misc. Provisions Act and Pension Scheme and guide about its applicability and benefits.
  • Preparation of EPF contribution and uploading it online and generate challan every month.
  • Assisting the members to claim/transfer their Provident Fund accumulations
  • Ensure retirement benefits as well as pension benefits to all eligible members on time